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Farming in Unpredictable Wisconsin Winters

Jan 13, 2017 | Life on the Farm

Wisconsin winters are always unpredictable. This past week, farms across the state have been dealing with different weather challenges, from blizzards to freezing rain to ice-covered ground. Schools were cancelled and businesses closed early. But through it all, the cows still had to be milked, fed and taken care of.

Farmers aren’t the only ones who have to continue working through the diverse weather. Since the cows are still being milked, the milk still needs to be picked up from the farms. Because it’s a perishable product, the milk has to get to the processing plants in a timely manner. Our milk hauler was a couple of hours late one icy morning, but he got here just the same.

Every day in Wisconsin, over 9 million gallons of milk are produced. Each semi tanker holds 6,000 gallons of milk. That’s around 1,500 semi-trucks on the road every day in all sorts of weather.

As with so many things in farming, weathering the storms is a team effort. We’re thankful for all of the people that work long days and are away from their families to help us keep the process moving.

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