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Getting Lucky with the Weather

Jul 20, 2017 | Dairy News

Photo by Len Villano

We finished second crop hay. I feel fortunate because we didn’t get the hard rains and hail that some farmers had. Some areas had 4-5 inches of rain last week and this weekend farmers got one-inch hail north of where we are. I feel for them. What will they feed their cows? Add this on to the lost hay over the winter. Many farmers tore out 70-80% of their hay crop because there was too much rain and ice which killed the plants. Our hay was borderline. Then, add this to the low milk price and it weighs on people.

We’ve had our agronomist walking our fields and using a drone to look at what is going on. Questions such as “Does the corn need extra nitrogen?” is a judgement call we have to make. At this point, we can spoon feed it … if it needs it. You are playing the market. You don’t have control. It’s what the good Lord gives you. You roll the dice and capitalize on it when you can.

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