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The Season of Thanks

Nov 22, 2018 | Dairy News

It’s no secret that the dairy industry has had a rough year. Even though it’s been hard, we have so much to be thankful for. We have our health and food on our plates. We have a great team of employees caring for our cows and the land. The cows are comfortable and well-fed and continue making milk that is made into delicious artisan cheese for everyone to enjoy. Our community is supportive of agriculture, and for that, we are so grateful.

We’re thankful for you, the people who continue putting dairy foods in your grocery carts. Without your continued love and support of dairy foods and the people who make them, we wouldn’t be able to continue doing what we love every day.

When I really take a minute to zoom out and think about it, we are very fortunate to have the variety of foods we do in our grocery stores. For the most part, we have the choice of what we like to eat versus limited options or no options at all. Farmers continue to be dedicated to producing these foods, from growing the crops in the fields to caring for the animals that make the products. Processors transform the products like milk into cheese, yogurt or ice cream. And, consumers love to eat these foods as much as we love making them.

Have a happy Thanksgiving, from all of us at Majestic Crossing Dairy.

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