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Almost Harvest Time

Almost Harvest Time

We’re just a few days away from the fall harvest, one of our busiest times of the year.  We’ll be harvesting corn for silage, and right now we’re getting all of our equipment in tip-top shape so we’ll be ready to go. Greasing the axles, changing the oil, checking...
Manure: The Ultimate in Recycling

Manure: The Ultimate in Recycling

Most people think of farming as planting and harvesting crops. But it’s also important to keep our soil fertile to ensure the best yields. To do this, we plant cover crops that protect the soil and we use our animals’ manure to replace nutrients. We pay a lot of...

Where Did Summer Go?

It’s the end of August, and everyone is asking the same question: Where did the summer go? It’s been a strange summer here in Wisconsin, with a late spring and lots of cool, overcast days. We had one good, hot sunny week and everything was looking great, but now we’re...
Comfortable Cows

Comfortable Cows

In the heat of summer, you see a lot of kids running through sprinklers and a lot of people running their fans in their homes.  It’s really no different for cows – they want to stay cool.  Everything we do on our farm is driven by cow comfort, and in summer we...
It Takes a Dairy to Raise a Cow

It Takes a Dairy to Raise a Cow

Our dairy is a team, and it takes a lot of people to keep our operation running smoothly. We’re proud that Majestic Crossing employs 24 people in our community, including the four farm families that are part of our business.  Here’s a little who’s who for you:...